Oct 27, 2011

October Preschool Wrap Up

Here's how my preschooler rocked October...

 Made flat bread.
 Worked in a "work book" created by his 6 year old sister.
 Separated shapes of Zoo pasta, loving referred to as ZOOP!
 Explored the park.
 Drew fall math pictures (and a bajillion others)  along with his sister.
 Made gingerbread muffins.
 Made pumpkin muffins.  (my kids love mini muffins)
 Was the ultimate champion in a math game his sister and I were playing.
(totally thrilled him that he beat us)
 Got decked out for cooking.
 Snacked (with enthusiasm) while watching his sister 'at school'.
 Set up games against astronauts to recreate his victory.
 Explored the worlds oceans with our Ocean Box
(more on that later)
 Played hide and seek.
 Sorted number cards.
Loved his babies, and loved us all.

~October was excellent fun!


Phyllis said...

What fun! He is so cute.

mrana said...

I love the cyrus post!

Anonymous said...

Love this! Cyrus inspires me! Love to you all-Steph

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.