May 17, 2010

Gratitude Mondays....

What I love today....

~9 weeks till absolute baby time (33 weeks down)....

~Cyrus doesn't blow raspberry kisses, he blows "helicopter" kisses...

~Ava has declared that she would like to be a mermaid, or a tooth fairy when she grows up.  She hasn't decided which yet.

~Matt.  Oh man, I am grateful for that man.  And its not just the food either!

~The Shape of a Mother...  Its really a fantastic project, I hope to become involved somehow...

~A beautiful dinner party for my sister in law Rachael...

~My two babies have two beds now!  And they fell asleep in them on the first night.  I was NOT expecting that!

~My big belly.  I love it. 

~I think we finally have names picked out, and I think we might keep them a secret until labor day...

Here's to another week!


5orangepotatoes said...

Secret baby names are the best. So many inputs are hard to deal with. Helicopter kisses sound so sweet. Only 9 more weeks....yea!

Leanne said...

Oh how could you not love all those things! You are surrounded by gorgeous-ness!

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.