What I am loving today....
~A beautiful baby boy born to us on Monday June 21st at 6:34am after less than two hours of labor....
~Resting, nursing, and loving...
~A supportive partner who literally does EVERYTHING...
~A darling newly made 'older brother' who likes to "pet the baby. He's so beautiful!"
~A precious little girl who chose to stay home and watch the baby and me nap instead of running errands with her father and brother. I woke up and found her just sitting with us. She said she wanted to be close in case either of us needed anything....
~How crazy hungry and thirsty I am... (I totally forgot about this little random bit of postpartum)
~I love having the time I need to slowly find my ground again...
I am not sure when I will get back into full time blogging... maybe later this week? I look forward to catching up on all the beautiful blogs I follow, I have missed you all!
Have a great week everyone~