Sep 26, 2011

Gratitude Mondays....

Here's what I am loving today...

~Fall decorations...

~Mother in law over for dinner...
(and watching her read my babies their bedtime stories)

~A pretty amazing weekend...

~Changes in the air
(and recognizing that all the planning in the world just doesn't matter sometimes)

~A day with my girl..
(while the boys had their special day)

~A little girl who said
"its more important to be clever than pretty
a clever person can make good choices for a happy and healthy life"
(But she's also fairly confident that I worry about those things more than she does.
As she says "I prefer to spend time thinking about fairies")

~A boy who wakes up and gives me a warm morning hug and whispers
"I just found a white crayon"
(your guess is as good as mine)

~A baby who likes to climb
(scary, but you might as well love it because there is no stopping it)

~A partner who thinks and plans ahead for our family's future
(but who's also willing to change things mid stride to accommodate our current interests)

Eeek!  Here's to a new week.  I'm ready.!(?)  (okay, maybe a little undecided.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog makes me miss things..not in a sad way but more nostalgic and bittersweet! But right now, most of all I am missing my aunt, and think i'll write to her. Love you guys! Steph

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.