Nov 29, 2010

Thankful Tree

Its time to pack away Thanksgiving and bring out the Christmas cheer!  On this day, last year, I was preparing my family for a trip to face a lot of unknowns.  Thank goodness for the passage of time.  This year has been so good to my family.  So good.  My little family has a tradition to write what we are thankful for on  paper leaves (pumpkins, or acorns) to hang on our Thankful Tree.  This is one of my favorite traditions.  I'd like to share 2010's 'thankful leaves'...

Orange construction trucks, and flags, and flag jackets, Sol, and daddy, mommy, Ava, Pretzel, toothpick umbrellas, nutcrackers.

I'm thankful for everything.  (this was actually really hard for her this year.  She tried to think of the perfect thing for weeks.  Finally, she settled on everything)

I'm thankful for the little baby, the girl, the boy, and the partner that make my life so full of beauty and adventure!

I'm thankful for ballet classes, curly brown hair, little grunters, homeshcool teachers, and wild cats.

Another year of Thankful leaves to grace our tree branch.  Another year packed away to be brought out and remembered next November.  Tomorrow starts my official celebration for the season of light, The Winter's Solstice, Christmas.  Let the Festivities begin!


Anonymous said...

Pretty post-Nice. Je viens de tombé sur votre blog et je voulais dire que j'ai vraiment apprécié la navigation de votre blog. En tout cas, je vais être abonnés à votre flux et j'espère que vous écrire de nouveau bientôt!

April said...

Toothpick umbrellas. Hee hee hee. I love Cyrus.

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.