Nov 22, 2010

Gratitude Mondays...

What I love today...

~A baby who squeals with delight when he sees me...
(I want to squeal  right back.  I sometimes do.)

~A girl who feeds her babies at the dinner table with us...
(she is such a tender mama)

~A boy who makes knots in Everything...
(I was going to write something else, but had to pause to work out Several knots  [again] for him.  This inspired me.  I do want to remember this little part of his life)

~A partner who will make two trips to Joanne's for 'have to have it right now' poli-fill
(I know how much he doesn't like that place, does he know how much that means to me?)

~Two bad boy kittens...
(they cause so much trouble, but are so cute!)

Impromptu pre Thanksgiving dinners...
(every last thing was scrumptious) 

~Cool wet air, and windy days...

~I love looking at my baby and wondering just who he will be...

Here's to the beginning of a new week!   The holidays are upon us, and we have just three days left in our first trimester of homeshcooling!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love your gratitude days!

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.