Nov 1, 2010

Gratitude Mondays...

What I love today....

~A little girl who can READ!!!!
Oh my goodness

~Tiny babies who work so hard to sit up, to reach out, to grab things...
any day now

~A little boy who has his first imaginary friends...
(baseball men, and his best friend Aunt Bobbi)

~A partner who is our family's foundation...
(going to work, making our meals, preparing the garden's soil)

~Halloween celebrations
(and the candy Science experiments yet to come)

~A cool breeze, the promise of Autumn...

~Finding the perfect gift...


Here's to a beautiful week!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is definitely the time for soup and stews up here! It's getting cold. I love the pellet stove we use for heat; the flame bring a cozy atmosphere to the room. Funny and cute how "Aunt Bobbi" is one of Cyrus' imaginary friends...Love Stephanie

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.