Nov 8, 2010

Gratitude Mondays....

What I love today.....

~Family birthday dinners...
(happy 60th to my father in law) 

~A clean house as a result of said party...

~Christmas crafting...
(or planning)
~ A mysterious weed in my garden that is now taller than I am....
(I hope it will bloom so I can figure out what it is!) 

~A little girl who has a circus act with her two daughters...
(and very elaborate costumes)

~A little boy who wants to hear his father's music LOUDER....
(if you only knew what his father's music was like)
~A little baby who spit up on my face...
(not great, but they've all done it)

~A partner who will wake up and shred carrots with me, 
so I'm not alone making dessert in the middle of the night.

Here's to the week.  And all that she'll bring!

1 comment:

mrana said...

His father has great taste in music.

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.