Jul 26, 2010

Gratitude Mondays....

What I Love today...

~Fat babies who keep growing out of clothes.  (Even though this also makes me sad)

~Little girls who want to be the Tooth Fairy for Halloween.
  Me: Ok, what would you wear?
Her:  Well, I can't be sure because I've never seen her...
The sarcasm in her voice definitely comes from me.

~Little boys who go to sleep pregnant with babies tucked into their jammies...

~Beautiful bedside moses baskets that hold cloth diapers and babies clothes because I just can't bear the thought of moving my baby away from me to use it as an actual bed...

~Garden Juice...  That's watermelon, honeydew, and cucumber all fresh from our garden mashed together in a delicious drink...

~A partner who says "Go for it.  I trust in you."  More on that later...

~Planning.  Planning.  Planning.  I surely LOVE to plan.


Ariella said...

wonderful list. lots of love to you and your family!

Kelly said...

Always love your gratitude Mondays! I too get that sad/happy feeling when babe outgrows clothes..and also had a moses basket just for clothes and nappies, never baby!

About Me

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East Bay, California, United States
I am a thirty something mother of three. Hoping to raise my little ones to love the the slower things in life.